Hey everyone!
Here is the coreography/written storyboard for the music video. It might be hard to understand, but you will see once we film it. We are finally filming tomorrow and I could not be more excited. Although Cata and I are not coreographers, I have to say that it turned out way better than I ever expected.
Cage Music Video
Voices surround me, it's harder to breathe - Em looking straight out; CLOSE UP PAN
there is no escape, my head is killing me - Em hands to face with tortured look; CLOSE UP
i stand in my cage in silence and fear - Em staring straight into camera; CLOSE UP STILL
for the demons of darkness have driven me here - Em staring into camera; SLOW ZOOM OUT
Sticks and stones- Em; QUICK ZOOM IN
May break my bones but words will tear me apart most of the monsters in my head only scare me in the dark - Em making faces; QUICK VARIOUS SHOTS(CLOSE UPS, PROFILES, EXTREME CLOSE UPS, DANCER QUICK SHOTS ETC)
I'm trapped inside a cage- Dancer wall wall stomach down face slowly up
I'm like- Half extended leg and half turn
a deadly machine- Turn back with tilted leg/split
My heart is locked- Kick tilted leg twice
in chains- Squat with feet outward and then heels up
My mind is a disease- Torso spin in squat with heels up
Can you Can you save my soul?- Slowly go onto back until shoulders touch floor
Can you Can you save my soul?- Rise slowly from the floor until standing straight in tippy toes and hands touching throat
People are watching, they think that i'm insane- Dancer turn dramatically away from camera and walk in circle; Em appears in middle of circle slowly
I see them, they're talking- Dancer in front of Am going down a little
do they know i'm not okay?- Dancer swishes torso to side and smirks
(Beat) Turn to floor and drag behind Em
Shadows are screaming that I am alone- Dancer slowly comes up behind Em; focus moves to Em
I hope it's all a dream, i'm out here on my own- Dancer walks back and disappears
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will tear me apart
most of the monsters in my head only scare me in the- Em crouches down with Em frantic movements
Dark- blackout or feet shots
I'm trapped inside a cage- Dancer runs up to Em and puts arms around her w/o touching
I'm like a deadly machine- Dancer spreads arms into scarier position and Em moves hands too
My heart is locked in chains- Dancer grabs Em's arms without touching her and tugs her from angled side to side
My mind is a disease- Dancer throws Em down
Can you Can you save my soul?- Em fallen down slowly looking up
Can you Can you save my soul? Em slowly gets up
Deep inside-Em stay still-mid shot
Where nothing’s fine
I've lost my mind
Oh, deep inside- Long shot of Em walking towards camera and Dancer behind her and one w/o
Where nothing's fine
I've lost my mind
(Beat) Dancer freestyle/creepy/zombie clicks
(Beat ) Lights flashing/Strobe lights and Dancer crazy
I'm trapped inside a cage- dancer and Em dance simultaneously
I'm like a deadly machine
My heart is locked in chains
My mind is a disease
Can you Can you save my soul? - Em close up with still camera
Can you Can you save my soul? - Em close up with still camera
Extra footage/Add-Ins:
Camera pans to Em’s medium shot
Dutch angle or 360 of Em
Pan around Em and stop in her profile
Profile of Em still
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